For the past 25 years I have used video as an important tool in the fight for social and environmental justice. I have used my filming and investigative skills to uncover previously un-recorded cruelty to animals - through my undercover investigation for Channel 4 inside Europe's largest animal testing laboratory. I have worked to expose the real experiences of livestock as they are transported across Europe. Greenpeace have had me recording their derring-do on top of chimneys, up oil rigs and inside waste incinerators.
But my work is not all high-adrenaline action. I have worked with the Quakers to produce an insight into the importance of nonviolent protest; with community groups to bring the important work they do into the light and am now training people, helping them realise the potential that video has to make a real difference.
I am available, often at short notice, to help cover protest and can record, edit and upload in a very short time, bringing a news-like turn around to groups.
Much of my training is done through courses run by Film Oxford, where I also host a monthly 'open-mic' film night called Open Screen where budding film-makers can rub shoulders with seasoned professionals, share ideas, show films and make new contacts.
I can also come and train individuals, small groups or large organisations as to the best way to capture and use video. This is especially important as most people now carry with them a phone that has the capacity to collect good quality video. I can teach techniques to maximise the quality of what you can do - and how to make 'no-edit' films that you can upload from wherever you are.
One problem people and organisations often have is that they can film, but they then do not know what to do with the footage. I both edit and can teach editing. My rates are variable and take into consideration the capacity of the client to pay. Please drop me a line if you would like to discuss how I can help.